Author: mr.snow
Good looking deadbolt.
Object matrix – Bruce Sterling.
Object | User | Epoch | Breakpoint |
Artifacts | Hunter-gatherers and subsistence farmers | Â | Â |
Machines | Customers | Industrial society | Â |
Products | Consumers | Military-industrial complex | Â |
Gizmos | End-users | “New World Disorder,” a “Terrorism-Entertainment Complex,” our own brief interregnum | Â |
Spime | Wrangler | Â | Â |
Who pointed this out ? Leveraging feeds from news, government and social sources against specific location data.
Every block.
2007-04-24-16/56/00 Summary
Arduino shield
After a couple of goes, I have managed to turn the simple breadboard stepper driver into a simple Arduino shield.
[flv:/wp-content/uploads/2008/02/arduino-shield-runningmov-100k.flv /wp-content/uploads/2008/02/arduino-shield-runningmov.png 320 180]
Continue reading Arduino shield
Aspect and position.
I had thought in the public arena, possibly the big end of town .
Adam suggested the big media end of town. eg. NYT building. Here we have fairfax and ACP in the CBD and News in Surry Hills . Perhaps a corporate lobby type area .
Perhaps Terminus projects would be able to broker something like this .
Python stepper control code.
import serial # if you have not already done so
import sys
# usage :
# python -1 S
# 1 step counter clockwise
# python 12 R
# 12 revs clockwise
# bitmask for revolutions
revs = 128
# bitmask for clockwise / anticlockwise
pos = 64
def binary(n):
l.append(str(n&1)); n=n>>1
return "".join(l[::-1])
r = int(sys.argv[1])
if ( r > 0 ):
# its positive
r = r + pos + revs
print "`Clockwise,",
r = r * -1
r = r + revs
print "`Anticlockwise,",
print abs(int(sys.argv[1])),
if ( len(sys.argv) > 2 ):
if ( sys.argv[2] == 'S' ):
revs = 0
print "Steps\'"
print "Revolutions\'"
ser = serial.Serial('/dev/tty.usbserial-A1000gh8', 38400)
print "binary " + binary(r)
print "int " + str(r)
print "char " + chr(r)
Arduino stepper motor code
Current stepper motor code.
1 byte in via USB
a 1 in the first bit for ‘revolutions’, a 0 for ‘steps’
a 1 in the 2nd bit for ‘clockwise’, a 0 for ‘anticlockwise’
the remaining 6 bits specify 0-63 clockwise or counterclockwise steps or revolutions
Continue reading Arduino stepper motor code
Upcoming dilemma
- The stepper doesn’t have enough power to drive the slide bolt.
- The stepper isn’t precise enough ( sometimes it misses steps ) to know where the bolt is
- Mounting of the hardware
Additionally, the feed slows down this webpage considerably.Â