An arrangement of gears.

The new deadbolt with its top spring removed slides with less force than expected. Two gears (white) from a scavenged VCR match nicely with the Tamiya on the stepper. The black gear (Jaycar) will mate with the turning axle in the bolt. The axle rotates only 90° between fully extended and fully retracted.

Stepper – arduino.

So the stepper motor circuit is working on the bread board. At the moment I have it spinning contiuously. The next step is to have it controlled from the computer.Arduino can accept data in via various methods.

  1. USB – which also supplies power
  2. Analogue – which is read as voltage differential i think ±5v probably
  3. Digital – high low based on the outputs

Continue reading Stepper – arduino.

Teen spirit, reprise.

Gun Bring your friend Its fun. Lost . Pretended She. Myself assured I knew I knew dirty word. We Entertain us I felt stupid. We Entertain us mulatto albino mosquito. I did best. I blest . I felt stupid. I guessed it made me smiled . I found it hard. Found .

[‘sad’, 0.4417252356382414]
[‘happy’, 0.39136522362501353]
[‘disgusted’, 0.23456460579874619]
[‘surprised’, 0.20291527519486771]
[‘angry’, 0.19697598422693804]
[‘fearful’, 0.18465269094928494]

Smells like teen spirit.

Gun Bring your friend Its fun. Lost . Pretended She. Myself assured I knew I knew dirty word. We Entertain us I felt stupid. We Entertain us mulatto albino mosquito My libido. I did best. I blest Our little group. Our little group was . We Entertain us I felt stupid. We Entertain us mulatto albino mosquito My libido. I forgot what it took . I guessed it made me smiled I found it hard. Found . We Entertain us I felt stupid. We Entertain us mulatto albino mosquito My libido.
To paraphrase Kurt Cobain


the wheel
is an extension of the foot
the book
is an extension of the eye
clothing, an extension of the skin,
electric circuitry,
an extension of

The Medium is The Massage, Marshall McLuhan p 31-40

As youth enters this clan world and all their senses are electrically extended and intensified, there is a corresponding amplification of their sexual sensibilities.

From “The Playboy Interview: Marshall McLuhan�, Playboy Magazine, March 1969. © Playboy

…[I]f a new technology extends one or more of our senses outside us into the social world, then new ratios among all of our senses will occur in that particular culture… And when the sense ratios alter in any culture then what had appeared lucid before may suddenly become opaque, and what had been vague or opaque will become translucent.

Marshall McLuhan, “The Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man”, 1962.